Defining a graph's properties
448 DataWindow .NET
divisions with grid and
drop lines
You can specify lines to represent the divisions as described in Table 15-12 and
illustrated in Figure 15-1.
Table 15-12: Representing graph divisions with grid and drop lines
Figure 15-1: Grid and drop lines in a graph
Using line styles
You can define line styles for the components of a graph listed in Table 15-13.
Table 15-13: Components of a graph that can have line styles
Specifying a pointer
You can specify a pointer to use when the mouse is over a graph at runtime.
❖ To specify a pointer for a graph:
1 Select Properties from the graph's pop-up menu and then select the Pointer
page in the Properties view.
2 Select a stock pointer from the list, or select a CUR file containing a
Line Meaning
Grid line A line that extends from a tick mark across the graph. Grid lines make
graphs easier to read.
Drop line A line that extends vertically from a data point to its axis (not available
for all graph types).
Component Meaning
PrimaryLine The axis itself
SecondaryLine The axis parallel to and opposite the primary axis
OriginLine A grid line that represents the value zero
Frame The frame for the axis in 3D graphs (disabled for 2D graphs)