CHAPTER 3 Managing the Database
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 67
Overriding definitions
In the DataWindow painter, you can override the extended attributes specified
in the Database painter for a particular DataWindow object.
How the information is
Extended attributes are stored in the DataWindow Designer system tables in
the database. DataWindow Designer uses the information to display, present,
and validate data in the Database painter and in DataWindow objects. When
you create a view in the Database painter, the extended attributes of the table
columns used in the view are used by default.
About display formats,
edit styles, and
validation rules
In the Database painter, you create display formats, edit styles, and validation
rules. Whatever you create is then available for use with columns in tables in
the database. You can see all the display formats, edit styles, and validation
rules defined for the database in the Extended Attributes view.
For more information about defining, maintaining, and using these extended
attributes, see Chapter 8, “Displaying and Validating Data.”
About headings and
By default, DataWindow Designer uses the column names as labels and
headings, replacing any underscore characters with spaces and capitalizing
each word in the name. For example, the default heading for the column
Dept_name is Dept Name. To define multiple-line headings, press Ctrl+Enter
to begin a new line.
Specifying additional properties for character columns
You can also set two additional properties for character columns on the Display
property page: Case and Picture.
Specifying the
displayed case
You can specify whether DataWindow Designer converts the case of characters
for a column in a DataWindow object.
❖ To specify how character data should be displayed:
• On the Display property page, select a value in the Case drop-down list:
Value Meaning
Any Characters are displayed as they are entered
UPPER Characters are converted to uppercase
lower Characters are converted to lowercase