CHAPTER 10 Highlighting Information in DataWindow Objects
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 301
The following statement is for the Brush.Hatch property of the rectangle. If the
month of the start date matches the current month or the next one, Brush.Hatch
is set to Bdiagonal (1). If not, it is set to Transparent (7), which means it will
not show:
If(month( start_date ) = month(today())
or month( start_date ) = month(today())+1
or (month(today()) = 12 and month(start_date)=1),
1, 7)
Expressions are also provided for Pen.Color and Pen.Style.
For more about these properties and a picture, see “Pen.Style” on page 308.
The color of text for text controls, columns, and computed fields; background
color for the DataWindow object; line color for graphs.
In the painter
In the Properties view, Text Color on the Font property page; Color on the
General property page; Line Color on the General property page.
A number that specifies the color used for text.
For information on specifying colors, see “Specifying colors” on page 314.
The following statement is for the Color property of the emp_id, emp_fname,
emp_lname, and emp_birth_date columns:
If(month(birth_date) = month (today()), 255, 0)
If the employee has a birthday in the current month, the information for the
employee displays in red (255). Otherwise, the information displays in black
The Font.Underline property has the same conditional expression defined for
it so that the example shows clearly on paper when printed in black and white.