Working with tables
62 DataWindow .NET
Working with tables
When you open the Database painter, the Object view lists all tables in the
current database that you have access to (including tables that were not created
using DataWindow Designer). You can create a new table or alter an existing
table. You can also modify table properties and work with indexes and keys.
Creating a new table from scratch
In DataWindow Designer, you can create a new table in any database to which
DataWindow Designer is connected.
❖ To create a table in the current database:
1 Do one of the following:
• Click the Create Table button.
• Right-click in the Columns view and select New Table from the pop-
up menu.
• Right-click Tables in the Objects view and select New Table from the
pop-up menu.
• Select Insert>Table from the Object menu.
The new table template displays in the Columns view. What you see in the
view is DBMS-dependent.You use this template to specify each column in
the table. The insertion point is in the Column Name box for the first
2 Enter the required information for this column.
For what to enter in each field, see “Specifying column definitions” on
page 64.
As you enter information, use the Tab key to move from place to place in
the column definition. After defining the last item in the column
definition, press the Tab key to display the work area for the next column.
3 Repeat step 2 for each additional column in your table.
4 (Optional) Select Object>Pending SQL from the menu bar or select
Pending SQL from the pop-up menu to see the pending SQL syntax.
If you have not already named the table, you must provide a name in the
dialog box that displays. To hide the SQL syntax and return to the table
columns, select Object>Pending Syntax from the menu bar.