Two mathematical functions (MATH 1 and MATH 2) are independent waveform
processes. These can be used separately, or be chained together if required.
Each offers a choice of four mathematical functions (add, subtract, multiply, filter).
The result of each function is always placed in a separate register.
Independent operation allows two separate processes to be performed at the
same time. By placing the result of a mathematical function in a register memory,
it is possible to chain functions together. An example is Ch1xCh2 with its result
being filtered to remove noise. In this example, MATH 1 is the multiply function
with the product placed in m1 and MATH 2 is the filter process, filtering the
contents of m1 and placing its results in m2.
Appendix D gives the complete menu structure of the MATH menu.
When the oscilloscope has been delivered with the optional ‘MATH +’ menu, the
set of functions is expanded with integration, differentiation, Fast Fourier
Transformation (FFT) analysis, and histogram analysis processes. For more
details of these, see the separate MATH PLUS manual.
In the digital mode the oscilloscope can perform two calculated measurements
(MEAS1 and MEAS2) simultaneously. These measurements are in addition to the
cursor measurements described under CURSORS. Each calculated
measurement can be individually selected. Once selected, the results are
automatically updated with each new signal acquisition and the result is displayed
in the top left corner of the screen.
Measurements can be performed on live signals or signals stored in any of the
registers. It is possible to perform measurements on the part of the waveform
between the two cursors. This function is called cursor-limited measurements and
is turned on via the key sequence MEASURE >> CURSOR LIMIT & STATIST >>
CURSOR LIMITED yes. Cursor operation is done via the TRACK and ∆ controls
and via the CURSOR menu.
There are three measurement dimensions: amplitude (volt), time, and delay. The
lower part of the menu reflects the type of measurement selected.