In addition to edge and glitch triggering (explained under TRIGGER MAIN TB),
there are extensive video triggering possibilities. These enable stable triggering
on video frames and lines from various TV standards. There is no need to adjust
the trigger level.
Triggering is possible on video signals with positive (pos) or negative (neg) signal
polarity. Supported video standards include NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and HDTV. For
HDTV systems a three- level sync trigger is used, and the line count of the system
may be selected.
The MAIN TB can be triggered on a TV line (all lines are superimposed), or field
1 or field 2 of any of the four channels. In the field mode, the TRACK control can
be used select triggering on any specific TV line for individual line display.
The TV trigger settings are selected from the menu under the TRIGGER menu
key. TV trigger is not available when the optional External Trigger is selected as
trigger source.
Note: A trigger edge can not be selected