hex dec meaning
13 19 Events Trigger Delay settings
(event counter low/high, trigger level low/high, trigger source, event
bits, trigger coupling)
14 20 SCPI Trigger Settings
(SCPI trigger source low/high)
20 32 Cursor settings
(V cursors on/off, T cursors on/off, rise time on/off, control V/T, Vpp
on/off, rise time 10-90/20-80, readout Vpp/V+V-, cursors on/off, V
readout delta/absolute/ratio, T readout delta/1/delta/ratio, channel
FFT read out dBm/dBยตV/Vrms, FFT reference impedance)
21 33 Cursor autosearch settings
(on/off, flank selection, reference selection, abs/rel)
31 49 Measurement 1 settings
32 50 Measurement 2 settings
(Measure bits, measure type, source 1 low/high, source 2 low/high)
33 51 Pass/fail test settings
(on/off, define, action, menu on/off, hardware on/off)
41 65 Mathematics 1 settings
42 66 Mathematics 2 settings
(Mathematics bits, mathematics type, source 1 low/high, source 2
low/high, scale low/high, scale minimum low/high, offset low/high,
window width low/high)
50 80 Display settings
(settings display on/off, ground level indicator on/off, trigger level
indicator on/off, dots join on/off, x versus Y on/off, status view
on/off, backup status view, window on/off))
51 81 Trace intensity settings
(analog trace intensity low/high, mtb/dtb intensity ratio)
52 82 Display trace position setting
(X position, Y position)
60 96 Setup label text
(max 22 characters)
70 112 Real time clock setting
F0 240 Special node for service purposes
It is NOT necessary to send all strings to the oscilloscope, when a setting must
be changed.