The <acknowledge> is a synchronization reply that is returned after each
command sent to the oscilloscope, signalling correct or incorrect operation:
"0" Ok, normal situation
"1" Syntax error (ST query may give more info)
"2" Execution error (ST query may give more info)
"3" Synchronization error
"4" Communication error
Explanation and examples of the errors:
Syntax Error:
returned when the command is not understood by the oscilloscope for one of the
following reasons:
Unknown header, wrong instructions
Data format of body is wrong, e.g. alpha characters when decimal data
Execution Error:
returned when internal processing is not possible:
Data out of (internal) range
Conflicting oscilloscope settings
Synchronization Error:
returned when the oscilloscope receives a new command while it is still executing
the previous one:
a new command is sent without waiting for the <acknowledge>
Communication Error:
returned when any framing, parity or overrun error occurs in the received data.
When an error is detected during the execution of the command:
--the oscilloscope sends an <acknowledge>,
--the oscilloscope terminates further execution of the command and returns
to the idle state,
--the oscilloscope is then ready for a new command.