- Peak detection for the capture of glitches as narrow as 5 ns.
- Pattern, State and Glitch triggering (2 ns) (2 channel models; 4ns Glitch
triggering only)
- Event delay and pretriggering and posttriggering.
- TV triggering including HDTV and TV line selection.
- Serial interface for printing and plotting.
- Averaging to reduce signal noise and to increase the vertical resolution from
8 to 16 bits.
- Advanced mathematics, including digital low-pass filtering. A Math+ option
adds integration, differentiation, histogramming, and FFT.
- Sine interpolation and magnification which enables true to life four channel
single shot acquisitions with a timebase up to 625 ns/div (32x magnified)
- A delayed timebase with full trigger features.
- An RS-232 (EIA-232-D) interface (standard) and an GPIB/IEEE-488 interface
- Autocal for automatic fine tuning of all circuitry to achieve maximum accuracy
under all user conditions.
- Closed case calibration for efficient maintenance of traceable calibration at
minimum cost.
The following options are available:
- A MATH+ option with more automated measurement functions including
envelope and measurement pass/fail testing. Also included in this option are
Integration, Differentiation, Histogramming, and FFT.
- Memory extension offering 32K acquisition length and the ability to store 156
traces (of 512 samples each) in memory for 2 channel versions.
- IEEE-488.2 interface using the new SCPI (Standard Commands for
Programmable Instruments) industry standard for remote control of test and
measurement equipment.