No parameters. Measures the MINimum instantaneous voltage
value of the waveform. The unit of MINimum is volt.
Measures the negative duty cycle. The negative duty cycle is
the ratio (percentage) of the negative width (NWIDth) and the
PERiod of the waveform, as shown in figure 3.2.
Measures the negative width, which is the time duration of the
negative pulse. This time period extends from the moment that
the first falling edge equals the REFerence MIDDle until the
next rising edge equals the same reference level, as shown in
figure 3.2. The negative width is expressed in seconds.
Measures the positive duty cycle. The positive duty cycle is the
ratio (percentage) of the positive width (PWIDth) and the
PERiod of the waveform, as shown in figure 3.2. DCYCle is an
alias of PDUTycycle.
[<expected_period> [,<period_resolution>]]
Measures the period of the input signal. The period is the
inverse of the FREQuency and is expressed in seconds.
No parameters. Measures the peak to peak value of the input
signal. The peak to peak value is the difference between the
MAXimum and MINimum value of the waveform. The PTPeak
value is expressed in volts.
Measures the positive width, which is the time duration of the
positive pulse. This time period extends from the moment that
the first rising edge equals the REFerence MIDDle until the next
falling edge equals the same reference level, as shown in figure
3.2. The positive width is expressed in seconds.
No parameters. Measures the time of the first occurrence of the
MAXimum voltage of the input signal. The unit of TMAXimum is