USING THE COMBISCOPE INSTRUMENTS 3 - 33 Conversion of 16-bit samples to integer
As an example a conversion of a trace of 512 "16-bit" samples is shown. The
format is as follows:
In this example a trace acquisition of 2 byte samples is done. Thereafter, the trace
data is read and converted to integer samples in the array "trace", and the number
of trace bytes samples is printed. The conversion from double byte (byte1 = msb
and byte2 = lsb) to integer is done as follows (refer to figure 3.12):
If byte1 < 128 then integer = byte1
256 + byte2.
If byte1
≥ 128 then integer = (byte1 - 256)
256 + byte2.
Example: byte1 = 255 & byte2 = 32 --> integer = (255 - 256)
256 + 32 = - 224.
DIM trace(512) ’
DIM response AS STRING
1033 ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "
RST", 1) ’
Sets 16 bit sample data format
CALL Send(0, 8, "INITiate", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "
WAI;TRACe? CH1", 1) ’
Queries for channel 1 trace
CALL Receive(0, 8, response$, 256) ’
Reads the channel 1 trace
PRINT "Number of trace bytes ="; IBCNT% ’
IBCNT% = length of trace buffer
The contents of the response$ string of this example will be as follows:
# 4 1 0 2 6 <16> <msb1> <lsb1> ... <msb512> <lsb512> <sum> <10>
nr.of.digits = VAL(MID$(response$, 2, 1))
nr.of.bytes = VAL(MID$(response$, 3, nr.of.digits)) - 2
PRINT "Number of trace bytes ="; nr.of.bytes
sample.length = ASC(MID$(response$, 3 + nr.of.digits, 1))
nr.of.samples = nr.of.bytes / (sample.length / 8)
PRINT "Number of trace samples ="; nr.of.samples
FOR i = 1 TO nr.of.samples
J = 2
i + 2 + nr.of.digits ’
byte1 = ASC(MID$(response$, J, 1)) ’
byte2 = ASC(MID$(response$, J + 1, 1)) ’
IF byte1 < 128 THEN
trace(i) = byte1
256 + byte2
ELSE trace(i) = (byte1 - 256)
256 + byte2
trace bytes
# 4 1 0 2 6 <16> <msb 1> <lsb 1> . . . <msb 512> <lsb 512> <checksum> <NL
trace sample 512
trace sample 1
byte with decimal value 16
number of trace bytes (1026)
number of digits of 1026