Example for the instrument cursor settings:
→ SYSTem:SET? 32 Queries the oscilloscope for the
instrument settings of node 32, which are
the cursor settings.
← <settings> Reads the cursor settings.
→ SYSTem:SET <settings> Restores the cursor settings.
3.2.4 Front panel simulation
This concept allows you to send commands that simulate the pressing of a front
panel key. This method allows the remote operation to precisely match a front
panel setup. In particular, this method can be used to access instrument functions
that cannot be programmed directly by remote commands.
As described in the beginning of this section, there is a difference between the
front panel operation and the remote control of an instrument. If you use the front
panel simulation commands via the remote interface, be aware that no use can
be made of the additional information that is presented on the screen of the
oscilloscope. As this causes the front panel simulation method to be a tedious
process, it is certainly not recommended as a common programming practice.
For example, the SYSTem:KEY 507 command switches the AVERAGE function
on when it was switched off before. When this function was switched on before,
the AVERAGE function is switched off. The effect of the SYSTem:KEY command
completely depends upon the state of the instrument at the moment the command
is received. In a remote programming environment it is not immediately clear
whether a state is on or off. For that reason the command SENSe:AVERage ON
is much better.
To select functions that cannot be programmed directly, you might use the front
panel simulation commands. For example, the command SYSTem:KEY 4
switches the "noise suppression" option in the TRIGGER menu of the front panel
ON or OFF.