3.9.2 Mathematical calculations
Mathematical calculations can be performed on 2 traces using the
CALCulate1:MATH and CALCulate2:MATH functions. These functions comply
with the front panel features MATH1 and MATH2 respectively. The calculation can
be an addition (+), a subtraction (-), or a multiplication (
). The attenuation of the
resulting trace is automatically set higher than the sum of the attenuations of the
individual traces.
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate:MATH (CH1+CH2)", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate:MATH:STATe ON", 1) ’
The resulting trace (CH1 + CH2) is stored in M1_1.
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate2:MATH (M1_1 - CH2)", 1) ’
The resulting trace (which is the CH1 trace) is stored in M2_1.
The first argument in the expression that defines the mathematical operation to
be performed, is a trace that may be specified either implicitly, or explicitly by its
trace name. A trace is specified implicitly when the keyword IMPLied is used as
argument in the expression. When IMPlied is specified, the trace that is
programmed with the CALCulate:FEED command is used as the first argument
in the expression. The trace that determines the second argument must always
be specified explicitly by its trace name.
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate:FEED ’CH3’", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate:MATH (IMPLied+CH2)", 1)’
CALL Send(0, 8, "CALCulate:MATH:STATe ON", 1) ’
The resulting trace (CH3 + CH2) is stored in M1_1.
3.9.3 Differentiating and integrating traces
The INTegral function performs a point-to-point integration on a trace. The result
of the integration process is a trace. Each point in the trace is the integral up to
the corresponding point in the original (input) trace.
The DERivative (DIFFerential) function calculates the differential quotient of the
trace points. Each point in the resulting trace is the derivative of the corresponding
point in the original (input) trace. The width of the differential window can be
programmed from 3 to 129 points in increments of 2 points by the
CALCulate:DERivative:POINts command. After a
RST command, the number of
points is 5.