This manual is a user's guide for SymfoWARE Server RDB. The manual explains how to create and define databases.
Intended reader
This manual is for users who design and define SymfoWARE/RDB databases. Readers should have the following
skills and knowledge:
· A general understanding of SymfoWARE/RDB functions and databases
· A working knowledge of applications to which SymfoWARE/RDB is applied
· The ability to develop application programs using C or COBOL
· Working knowledge of Solaris systems or Windows NT systems
This manual consists of the following chapters and appendixes.
Chapter 1 SymfoWARE/RDB Overview
Provides a general overview of SymfoWARE/RDB functions, databases, and database access methods.
Chapter 2 Database Creation
Explains the procedure from designing a SymfoWARE/RDB database up to using it.
Chapter 3 Database Definition Alteration and Deletion
Explains how to alter or delete a definition for a database that has already been created.
Chapter 4 Storage Structure
Explains the features of data storage structures, which play an important role in determining processing efficiency.
This chapter also explains how to allocate database space.
Appendix A Quantitative Restrictions
Lists SymfoWARE/RDB limitations.
Appendix B Sequential Relationships Among Definition Changes
Indicates basic sequential relationships among changes made to database definitions.
Appendix C Operating Environment File Parameters
Lists parameters that can be specified in the operating environment file for tuning the application program operating
Appendix D Environment Variables
Explains environment variables for tuning the application program operating environment.
Appendix E RDB Command Summary
Lists RDB commands and summarizes the command functions.
Appendix F Handling SymfoWARE/RDB Messages
Explains how to reference information about user responses to messages generated by the SymfoWARE/RDB
Appendix G Exclusive Control Between Application Programs and RDB Commands
Explains exclusive control when an application program and SymfoWARE/RDB command operate simultaneously.
The glossary defines technical terms used in this manual.