The index is created in the database space specified in the temporary table definition and paired with a temporary
Index DSO name and DSI name
The DSO name and DSI name of an index begin with TEMP.
2.11 Privilege Information Definition
Use the GRANT statement to define privilege information. If a resource is defined, only the user who defined the
resource retains all privileges for the resource. In order for another user to access the resource, privilege information
must be defined. The GRANT statement can be used to specify which privileges to grant to specific users for a
resource. A sample definition that specifies privilege information in the stock management database follows. The
definition defines privilege information for the STOCK table belonging to schema STOCKS.
Grants the reference, storage, and update privileges for the STOCK table.
When defining privilege information, the user may want to specify at one time the privileges necessary for a specific
transaction. In this situation, use of roles is convenient for granting privileges.
Defining privileges using a role
A role is a group of privileges necessary for a transaction. Define a role to specify the privileges necessary for a
transaction. For efficient privilege management, a role can be defined to grant the role privileges to all users who
perform the transaction.
The procedure for granting privileges using the role function is given below.
1. Define a role.
2. Specify the privileges to be granted in the role.
3. Grant the role privileges to users.
The role function is outlined below.