· When split table operation is applied (data structure: RANDOM)
· When the table data structure is object
DSI name
For the DSI name, specify up to 36 alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character.
The DSI name must be unique within the database.
DSO name
Specify the table DSO name given in a CREATE DSO statement.
With no split table operation, define only one DSI for one DSO definition. However, if split table operation is to be
applied, define multiple DSIs. These DSIs specify split key values. The DSI definitions for split table operation must
include all existing data.
Split values
Specify the values for the split condition when split table operation is to be applied.
Specify the constant value for the question marks (?) in the dummy value list. The dummy value list is specified in the
split condition of the table DSO definition. If the split condition includes multiple question marks (?), use commas to
delimit the constant values in order of occurrence. The number of constant values must be the same as the number of