[Table: Specification formats of time interval types that can be specified for split key values]
Space allocation
Specify the physical space to be allocated to the table DSI.
Specify the name of the database space where the data is to be physically stored. In addition, specify the size of the
storage area to be acquired for this DSI within the database space. The acquired storage area is accessed according
to the page size specified in the DSO definition.
Database space name
Specify the name of the physical database space where the data is actually stored.
To store data in multiple database spaces for scalable log operation, specify their names in the same log group.
Allocation size
Specify an unsigned integer combined with a unit symbol (K or M) to denote the size of the storage area acquired in
the database space. The unit symbol K indicates kilobytes, and the unit symbol M indicates megabytes.
The units to be used for storage in the database space according to the table DSI are determined as follows. The split
condition in the table DSO definition and the split key value specification determine these storage units. Some
examples follow.
Example 1:
Relationship between the number of question marks (?) specified in the split condition and the number
of constants in the split value specification