At the creation of a database space, a log environment can be allocated for each database space.
This section explains the relationships between database space and magnetic disk, and the correspondence between
the database space and the log environment.
2.5.1 Creating a database space on a raw device
Under UNIX, a partition on a magnetic disk is allocated as a database area; therefore, an actual raw device must be
acquired before a database space can be created.
To create a database space, use the CREATE DBSPACE statement.
Executing the CREATE DBSPACE statement associates the database space and an actual raw device as well as the
database space and a log environment. The CREATE DBSPACE statement also registers information about the
database space in the RDB dictionary.
In the CREATE DBSPATE statement, specify the database space name and the name of the raw device in which the
database space is to be created.
The following example shows the execution of a CREATE DBSPACE statement to define a database space for a stock
management database.
Create database spaces DBSP_1, DBSP_2, and DBSP_3. Then allocate the following raw devices to
their respective database spaces. These raw devices must have been defined in advance.
· DBSP_1.../dev/rdsk/c1t0d1s1
· DBSP_2.../dev/rdsk/c2t0d2s3
· DBSP_3.../dev/rdsk/c3t0d3s3
Database space name
For the database space name, specify up to 36 alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character.