154 iRMC S2/S3
System Information - Information on the server
System Memory Information
This group provides information on the status, IDs, CSS capability and
performance of the main memory modules in the managed PRIMERGY server.
Here you can select individual memory modules to which the action you
select under Please select memory action from list is to be applied.
Select all
Selects all memory modules.
Deselect all
Cancels your selection.
Please select memory action from list
This list allows you to select an action to be applied to the selected
memory modules.
Apply to the selected modules
Applies the selected action to the selected memory modules.
View SPD Data / No SPD Data
Clicking the toggle button View SPD Data / No SPD Data shows or hides
vendor-specific details (Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data) for the
individual memory components.
The SPD data for a memory component is stored in an EEPROM
integrated in the component and serves to allow the BIOS to
automatically detect this memory component (RAM, DIMM).