294 iRMC S2/S3
Console Redirection - Redirecting the console
Console Redirection Port
Two serial ports are available: Serial 1, Serial 2.
I If console redirection is to be performed via LAN, Serial 1 must be
If Serial 2 is selected, only the connection over the null modem
cable works.
Serial Port Baud Rate
The following baud rates can be set: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200.
Serial Port Flow Control
The following settings are possible:
Flow control is disabled.
XON/XOFF (Software)
Flow control is handled by the software.
CTS/RTS (Hardware)
Flow control is handled by the hardware.
Terminal Emulation
The following terminal emulations are available:
VT100 7Bit, VT100 8Bit, PC-ANSI 7Bit, PC-ANSI 8 Bit, VT100+, VT-UTF8
Serial 1 Multiplexer
Check the consistency of the multiplexer settings:
– Serial: System
– LAN: iRMC S2/S3
Ê Click Apply to activate your settings.