iRMC S2/S3 71
Local user management for the iRMC S2/S3
Configuring new users
Ê On the User Management page, click the New User button.
The New User Configuration page opens. This page allows you to configure
the basic settings for the new user. This page is described in section "New
User Configuration - Configuring a new user" on page 265.
Modifying the configuration of a user
Ê On the User Management page, click the name of the user whose
configuration parameters you want to change.
The User “<name>” Configuration page opens showing the settings for the
selected user. Here, you can change the configuration parameters for the
new user. This page is described in section "User “<name>” Configuration -
User configuration (details)" on page 266.
Deleting users
Ê On the User Management page, click on the Delete button in the same line as
the user to be deleted.
4.3.2 Local user management via the Server
Configuration Manager
I Prerequisite:
The current ServerView agents must be installed on the managed server.
I User management on the iRMC S2/S3 requires Configure User Accounts
User management via the Server Configuration Manager largely conforms to
user management using the iRMC S2/S3 web interface.
In chapter "Configuring iRMC S2/S3 using the Server Configuration Manager"
on page 347 is described how to start the Server Configuration Manager.
For details on the individual Configuration Manager dialogs, please refer to the
online help of the Server Configuration Manager.