298 iRMC S2/S3
Console Redirection - Redirecting the console
The elements of the console redirection window are explained below:
Login bar
The login bar shows the IP address and current firmware version of
the iRMC S2/S3. The Login and Logout buttons allow you to log in to
and log out of the iRMC S2/S3.
Power management bar
The power management bar provides information on the power status
of the managed server. You can update the display by clicking the
Status button.
The Command drop-down list allows you to select and launch an IPMI
command for power management of the managed server (see page
page 299). You do not need to be connected with the console to do
Console redirection bar
The Enter Console and Leave Console buttons in the console redirection
bar allow you to show or hide the display in the console area.
Console area
The console area contains the display from the redirected text
Status bar
The status bar shows the IP address of the iRMC S2/S3 and the port
number used for console redirection. In addition, the status bar
provides information on the status of the console redirection (online /