iRMC S2/S3 155
BIOS - Backing up/restore BIOS settings, flashing BIOS
7.5 BIOS - Backing up/restore BIOS settings,
flashing BIOS
The BIOS entry contains the links to the following pages:
– "Backup/Restoration - Saving/Restoring BIOS single parameter settings
to/from a file" on page 155
– "BIOS - Updating BIOS via "upload from file" or via TFTP" on page 159
I These pages are only displayed if the BIOS of the managed server
supports the corresponding feature requirements.
7.5.1 Backup/Restoration - Saving/Restoring BIOS
single parameter settings to/from a file
The Backup/Restoration of BIOS Single Parameter Settings page provides you with
the following options:
– Back up single BIOS parameters in ServerView® WinSCU XML format and
save the backup to a file.
– Restore single BIOS parameter settings in ServerView® WinSCU XML
format from a file.
Figure 74: Backup/Restoration of BIOS Single Parameter Settings page