resource pool
A unit for management of groups of similar resources, such as servers, storage, and network devices.
A collection of operations that can be performed.
ROR console
The GUI that enables operation of all functions of Resource Orchestrator.
rule set
A collection of script lists for performing configuration of network devices, configured as combinations of rules based on the network
device, the purpose, and the application.
A computer (operated with one operating system).
server name
The name allocated to a server.
server virtualization software
Basic software which is operated on a server to enable use of virtual machines. Used to indicate the basic software that operates on a
PC server.
Single Sign-On
A system among external software which can be used without login operations, after authentication is executed once.
surrogate pair
A method for expressing one character as 32 bits.
In the UTF-16 character code, 0xD800 - 0xDBFF are referred to as "high surrogates", and 0xDC00 - 0xDFFF are referred to as "low
surrogates". Surrogate pairs use "high surrogate" + "low surrogate".
system disk
The disk on which the programs (such as the OS) and files necessary for the basic functions of servers (including booting) are installed.
system image
A copy of the contents of a system disk made as a backup.
Different from a cloning image as changes are not made to the server-specific information contained on system disks.
A unit for the division and segregation of management and operation of resources based on organizations or operations.
tenant administrator
A user who manages the resources allocated to a tenant.
tenant_admin is the role for performing management of resources allocated to a tenant.
Tenant administrators manage the available space on resources in the local pools of tenants, and approve or reject applications by
tenant users to use resources.
tenant folder
A resource folder that is created for each tenant, and is used to manage the resources allocated to a tenant.
L-Servers and local pools are located in tenant folders. Also, it is possible to configure a global pool that tenant administrators can
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