Item Description
Assess One of the following responses will be displayed:
- Approval waiting
- Accepted
- Accepted (Error)
- Dismissed
- _ (*1)
- Blank (*2)
Pending One of the following responses will be displayed:
- Pending
- Cancel
- _ (*1)
- Blank (*2)
Cancel One of the following responses will be displayed:
- Cancel
- _ (*1)
- Blank (*2)
Date The date and time of execution will be output in the following format:
Responsible Displays the executor.
Comment Displays any comments that were input at the time of Application,
Approve, Assess or Pending.
*1: Displayed when the process was not executed.
*2: Displayed when the process has not been executed.
The following illustrates an example of the application status confirmation window:
- When the application process is set to 'Default'
Indicates that the application has been accepted and the task is complete.
- When the application process is set to 'ApproverOnly'
Indicates that the application is awaiting approval.
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