Item Explanation
Record Detailed Tree This is a tree of the elements comprising the configuration item.
The following elements are displayed in accordance with the CI type:
- For the tenant CI type: Tenants
- For the L-Platform CI type: Instances
- For the L-Server CI type: L-Server node information
When an element is selected, the element attribute values are displayed in the
basic information.
Values are displayed as attribute values, and differ depending on the element:
If the element is a tenant: The value determined during tenant registration
- If the element is an instance: The value set during L-Platform
- If the element is L-Server node information: The value set during L-
Platform subscription or L-Platform reconfiguration
Attribute Displays the attribute name. When the label in the upper part is clicked, items
can be sorted by attribute name.
Value Displays the attribute value. When the label in the upper part is clicked, items
can be sorted by attribute value.
Close button When this button is clicked, the window closes.
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