The Startup page is displayed as the home page of L-Platform. To prevent the Startup page from being displayed as the home page,
select the Do not show this window again at startup check box.
- Close link
When Close link is clicked, the confirmation window for closing the window will be displayed. Click Yes on the confirmation window
to close the L-Platform window.
- If it becomes impossible to connect by the management server stop and etc. when L-Platform is being operated, the lamp in the menu
becomes gray and the message "Not Operating" is displayed. In this case, contact the system administrator. According to the displayed
window and the performed operation, an error message like the following may be displayed.
- Failed to get system configuration.
- Failed to get the access right.
4.2 Subscribe to an L-Platform
This section explains how to subscribe to an L-Platform
4.2.1 Subscribe to a New L-Platform
On the Subscription page of L-Platform, the user can subscribe to an L-Platform on the basis of the specification that has been registered.
Two methods are available to subscribe to a new L-Platform. The method to be used is determined by the method of subscription that the
Infra administrator department has specified.
- L-Platform Template reconfiguration not possible
Changes to registered L-Platform Templates are not permitted.
- L-Platform Template reconfiguration possible
Changes to registered L-Platform Templates are permitted.
The procedure for each method is shown below.
L-Platform Template Reconfiguration not Possible
Follow the steps below to subscribe to a new L-Platform:
1. Select Subscription on the operation menu of New L-Platform page.
The Subscription page will be displayed.
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