The following items cannot be modified when a system that has been deployed.
- VM pool
- System disk
- Subnet
- NIC extension and reduction (virtual servers only)
Refer to "4.3.11 Reconfiguration Page " for information on the other items.
For both system disks and extended disks that have been deployed, neither the size nor the pool can be modified. Extended disks
that have been deployed can be deleted.
Estimated fees for the L-Platform template will only be displayed when the charges display is set to enabled.
The displayed estimated charges will be calculated according to current prices, and not according to prices at the time of deployment.
4. When the L-Platform is modified, click the Next button.
The Confirm page will be displayed.
The difference between the old L-Platform template and the new L-Platform template is displayed as follows:
Item Display format
Item changed The values of the changed items are displayed in red. The old value is displayed
as "Changed from
the old value
Item added "*Added" is displayed after items that have been added.
The values of the added items are displayed in red. The background of the
added item is displayed in red.
Item deleted "*Deleted" is displayed after items that have been deleted.
The background of the deleted item is displayed in gray.
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