4 Configuration
You add the server to the ServerView server list using the server browser of
the ServerView Operations Manager. To do this, choose Administration –
ServerBrowser to open the Server Browser properties window.
In this window, you have to specify the IP address and the system
name of the management blade.
You can find a detailed description on the server browser in the ServerView
Operations Manager user manual.
If the server is added to the ServerView server list, then this server is also
automatically added to the VIOM-specific server group VIOM Manageable.
In order to manage a server, it is essential to move it from the VIOM Man-
ageable server group to the second VIOM-specific server group VIOM Man-
aged. In the context of VIOM, we refer to this as VIOM management acti-
vation. More information on activating and deactivating VIOM management
for a server is described in chapter "Managing servers with VIOM" on page
136 ServerView Virtual-IO Manager