responding blade server is shown. The table provides the following infor-
Column Significance
Name Name of the server
Status Manage status of the server
Type Product name
Firmware Firmware version
Admin-IP IP address to administrate the server
Causes Causes. For the possible values and its meaning see the table
If a single server is selected in the table above the table, there are more
details about this server available:
l The front and rear (rear only for blade server) according to the actual con-
l Information on the model
l The IP address and firmware version of the management blade or PRIM-
ERGY rack server
l The number of spare slots defined (for blade servers only)
l State causes (for PRIMERGY rack servers only)
If a single blade server is selected in the table, slots can be selected in the
graphic to get more information about the slot, the server blade, or switch
blade which is plugged into this slot:
l Number of slot or connection bay
l Stacking info (if available)
l Product name if selected slot is not empty
l IP address (if available)
l BIOS version for server blades or Firmware version for switches
l Manage State
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 145
5.3 Tabs