14 VIOM database
"Installing ServerView Operations Manager Software under Linux - Instal-
lation Guide".
14.1 VIOM Backup Service
The Backup Service of the Virtual-IO Manager is a service used to peri-
odically back up the VIOM database.
Note that its sole purpose is currently to back up the VIOM data-
base, whereas the backup of ServerView database is done by
ServerView itself. But a backup of the VIOM database will be of little
use if the ServerView database is lost. So, in general, you should
back up both databases periodically at roughly the same times.
Under Windows, the Backup Service is designed as a Windows service
using the Open Source Quartz framework.
The service schedules backup jobs for the databases currently used by
VIOM, namely SQL Server on Windows respectively PostgreSQL on Linux.
The Backup Service allows three types of backup, for which there is one
backup job each:
l A full backup of the database (full backup job), on Windows and Linux
l An incremental backup of the database (incremental backup job), on
Windows only
l The backup of the transaction logs (transaction backup job), on Win-
dows only
Note that under Linux and PostgreSQL no transaction logs are
saved - only full backups.
You may modify the schedule of these backup jobs in a syntax similar to
UNIX cron format.
The Backup Service is integrated in the install packages of VIOM Manager.
The Backup Service does not start directly after installation, as it must be
configured first. After this you must start it manually.
338 ServerView Virtual-IO Manager