7 Managing servers with VIOM
station indicating that it is still waiting for these data. This process can be
interrupted by disabling the VIOM managed status in iRMC user interface or
BIOS interface.
At the end of this process the VIOM inventory data is freshly recreated (inven-
tory boot), the VIOM virtualization data is rewritten by VIOM to the iRMC
(also evaluating the new inventory data) and the virtualization data is made
active via an init boot. As long as the virtualization data is not available to the
server, this server will not be able to boot.
This illustrates that when managing PRIMERGY rack servers
with VIOM it is very important that the VIOM management sta-
tion is always running.
It is advisable to make regular backups of the ServerView Oper-
ations Manager database and the VIOM database including trans-
action logs. These database backups and transaction logs should be
stored on high-availability storage media. Regular backups of the
OS image of the ServerView management station should also be
created so that the VIOM management station can always be rec-
reated in the event of a server crash.
If the server needs to boot after AC failure even though the VIOM man-
agement station is not currently available, the VIOM-managed status of this
server must be deactivated (see also below). But if this is done, the I/O
address virtualization of the server gets lost. The Virtual-IO Manager later
detects that this server is no longer VIOM-managed by the VIOM-enabled
flag in the iRMC. Because of this, the VIOM-managed status in the Virtual-IO
Manager is changed to unmanaged in this case and, if a profile was assigned
to this server, it is internally unassigned.
If a VIOM-managed PRIMERGY rack server is moved to a different location
that is not controlled by the VIOM management station that originally con-
trolled it, this PRIMERGY rack server cannot boot because it waits end-
lessly for the virtualization data.
It is best to unmanage the PRIMERGY rack server in VIOM before moving it
to the new location. If this is no longer possible, the VIOM-managed status
can be deactivated in the iRMC user interface and the system BIOS.
270 ServerView Virtual-IO Manager