36 GPSMAP 4000 Series Owner’s Manual
Conguring the Device
the deViCe
Auto Guidance—sets the automatic guidance parameters for your boat.
Safe Depth—sets the minimum depth (chart depth datum) to allow when calculating an
automatic guidance path. A safe depth of less than one meter is not allowed when using automatic
Safe Height—sets the minimum height (chart height datum) of a bridge that your boat can safely
travel under.
Shoreline Distance—set how close you want to travel near the shore: Nearest, Near, Normal,
Far, or Farthest. This setting is used by the automatic guidance calculation to determine how
close to the shoreline you want the automatic-guidance line to be. Changing this while navigating
an automatic-guidance line will recalculate the path.
Conguring Units of Measure
From the Home screen, select Congure > Preferences > Units.
System Units—global setting that denes individual units of measure at the same time. The options
are Statute (mh, ft., ºF), Metric (kh, m, ºC), Nautical (kt, ft., ºF), or Custom. Select Custom to
individually dene units of measure for:
NOTE: You must be receiving NMEA Sonar depth data or using a Garmin sounder module to view
depth and temperature information.
Depth—individually set the units of measure for depth to Feet, Fathoms, or Meters.
Temperature—individually set the units of measure for temperature to Fahrenheit (ºF) or
Celsius (ºC).
Distance—individually set the units of measure for distance readings (Miles, Kilometers, or
Nautical Miles).
Speed—individually set the units of measure for speed readings (Miles Per Hour, Kilometers
Per Hour, or Knots).
Elevation—individually set the units of measure for elevation readings (Feet or Meters).
Volume—individually set the units of measure for volume readings (Liters, US Gallons, or
UK Gallons).
Pressure—individually set the units of measure for gauge (kPa or psi) and atmospheric
(Millibars or Inches of Mercury) pressure readings.
Heading—set the reference used in calculating heading information.
Auto Mag Var (Automatic Magnetic Variation)—automatically set the magnetic declination for
your location.
True—set true north as the heading reference.
Grid—set grid north as the heading reference (000º).
User Mag Var—allows you to set the magnetic variation value.
Position Format—set the coordinate system in which a given location reading appears. Do not
change the position format unless you are using a map or chart that species a different position
Map Datum—set the coordinate system in which the map is structured. The default setting is
WGS 84. Do not change the map datum unless you are using a map or chart that species a different
position format.