To do an outward spiraling search from the waypoint, setup the
special nav function
buttons for search
1. Press and hold the [Setup] button on the handheld.
2. Press and light up the [number 9] LED on the handheld.
Release the [Setup] Button.
3. When you are near the waypoint you want to search
from, select “go to” this waypoint on your GPS.
4. With the pilot in heading hold, press and release the [GPS
button] on the handheld, and then press and release one of
the Chevron Buttons. If you pressed the [Right Chevron]
button, the waypoint will remain on your starboard side as
the spiral search unwinds.
Search Pattern
To do an outward spiraling search from a waypoint, setup the special function buttons for search
patterns. (See page 28 Selecting Special Functions) When you are near the waypoint you want
to search from, select go to this waypoint on your GPS. With the pilot in heading hold, press
and release the GPS (Select Load) button and then press and release one of the Bent Arrow
buttons. If you pressed the Bent Right Arrow button, the waypoint will remain on your
starboard side as the spiral search unwinds. The spacing between the spiral laps is set with setup
code 249.
Search Pattern (GPS Steering)
Return to heading hold by pressing one of the straight arrow buttons. An example of the search
pattern is shown in the figure below.
o change the setup options for Search Pattern:
You must be in [Auto] or [STBY] mode before selection process can start
1. Press and release
the [Setup] Button. The [Setup] LED will illuminate to indicate the system is
ready to take setup commands (button pushes).
2. Select the Setup Code you want to use by pressing and releasing the buttons labeled 2 &5 until the
appropriate LEDs are lit. (See the Code and Setup Choices on the table below)
3. Increase an adjustable parameter one step by each press of the [UP Arrow] button. When the
parameter is adjusted to its maximum value, the [Up Arrow] LED will light. The parameter is
adjusted and is in use by the autopilot immediately.
4. Decrease an adjustable parameter one step by each press of the [Down Arrow] button. When the
parameter is adjusted to its minimum value, the [Down Arrow] LED will light. The parameter is
adjusted and is in use by the autopilot immediately.
5. To save the changes into permanent memory and make the selected function into a
startup default: Press and release
the [Setup] button (the [Setup] LED should be lit),
and then press and hold
the [Select Load] button. While holding down the [Select Load]
button, press and release the [Deckmount] On/Off button quickly, then release the GPS
[Select Load] button.
Description Code Setup Options (Parameters) Factory Setting
Search Spacing 25 50 to 1,000 ft, by 50 ft. increments 50