Auto/Stby Button
Left Arrow Button
Right Arrow Button
GPS Button
Plus Button
Left Chevron Button
Setup Button
Up Arrow Button
Down Arrow Button
Right Chevron Button
Most of the buttons in the system have multiple functions, and many functions are executed by button push
sequences or by pushing more than one button at a time.
7. GPS steering.
7a. The autopilot will steer to a waypoint or series of waypoints.
7b. The autopilot will orbit a waypoint.
7c. The autopilot will steer a Cloverleaf pattern over a waypoint.
7d. The autopilot will steer a spiral search pattern around a waypoint.
7e. The autopilot will steer to constant course over ground.
8. Shadow Drive. The autopilot relinquishes control of the autopilot when the helm is turned and then
automatically takes over and steers when the boat is on a constant heading and there is no helm motion.
9. Reverse. The autopilot will attempt to execute many of the above steering functions while the boat is
10. Return to Selected Heading. The autopilot will drive the boat to a previously stored heading.
11. U-Turn. The autopilot will execute a U-Turn; to port or starboard, depending on which button is pressed.
The autopilot is controlled with the handheld/remote, the helm and the deckmount switch. To make
things easy to talk about we will name the buttons as shown in the picture of the remote below.