
If Up and Down Arrows both blink continuously, compass calibration
has failed - you must turn the system off by holding the Deckmount
On/Off button down in order to try calibration again. Make sure the
compass is mounted at least 24” away from any magnetic material, i.e.
radios, speakers etc. Make sure it is orientated in the bracket correctly.
G. When the
up arrow starts
blinking, begin
turning the boat
to starboard.
H. Turn at a rate that makes a full 360
degree turn in about 30 seconds. You will
need to make at least 3 or more full turns.
Keep turning until the [UP ARROW] &
[DOWN ARROW] LED’s both light up.
They will stay lit for about 5 seconds and
the system will completely power down.
Your compass is now calibrated.
D. Release [Select
Load] button
E. The [UP] arrow LED
will light solid. (Continue
driving in a straight line.)
F. Continue to drive in a
straight line and watch for
the [UP ARROW] LED to
start blinking.
11. Restart the autopilot by pressing and releasing the Deckmount On/Off
12. Autotune. The autopilot’s autotune function can really simplify the problem
of adjusting the feedback gains. The autotuner will adjust the gains well enough
that you may not need to do any additional adjustments at all. You can adjust the
autotune results after autotuning if needed.
In order to use the autotuner (or to tune the autopilot yourself), you must be in
calm water with very little wind. You will let the autotuner drive your boat for
several minutes, so you need to have as much as one half to 1 full mile of clear
water in front of you when you start autotune. The autotuner will drive in a zigzag
pattern and may not maintain the course you initially started on. You can abort
autotuning at any time by pressing any button on the remote or by pressing the
deckmount switch, or by steering from the helm.