You can steer to a new heading with the Straight Right Arrow and Straight Left Arrow
buttons. Momentary presses of either of these buttons will cause the pilot to alter the heading by
one degree per press. For example, pressing the Straight Left Arrow button five times will
cause the heading to be changed by 5 degrees to the port. Holding either of these buttons down
causes the pilot to turn the rudder so as to make a port or starboard turn. The rudder turns as
long as the button is held down or until the rudder reaches the end of its travel range. When you
release the button, the autopilot will move the rudder to stop the boat from turning. When the
turn is stopped, the autopilot captures the compass heading and then moves the rudder so as to
maintain this heading. An example RCAH turn is shown in the figure below.
Change Heading with RCAH
Initial heading
Final heading
Heading when starboard
RCAH button released
Starboard RCAH button released
Starboard RCAH button pressed
Boat path
You can steer to a new heading with the [Right Arrow] and [Left Arrow] buttons. See Fig. 1 .The pilot will
alter the heading by one degree per momentary press of either of these buttons. For example, pressing the
[Left Arrow] button ve times will cause the heading to be changed by 5 degrees to the port. Holding either of
these buttons down causes the pilot to turn the rudder so as to make a port or starboard turn. The rudder turns
as long as the button is held down or until the rudder reaches the end of its travel range or the boat is turning
at it’s acceleration limit. When you release the button, the autopilot will move the rudder to stop the boat from
turning. When the turn is stopped, the autopilot captures the compass heading and then moves the rudder so as
to maintain this heading. An example of RCAH turn is shown in the gure 2 below.
Making A Turn While In Autopilot
RCAH (Rudder Command Attitude Hold)