This section of this manual provides you with information of the TR-1 Gladiator autopilots’ capabilities.
We have made every effort to minimize the pain in getting you up to speed as a user of the TR-1, however,
programmable devices such as your TR-1, are often difcult to learn to use and to program. We recommend
that you do not take your shing tackle on your rst trip with your new autopilot. Take a few hours on a nice
day to get your system setup and familiarize yourself with its operation, then your rst shing trip with the unit
will really have you smiling.
This manual is laid out in sections that are, as best we can make them, self contained. We start with the features
and functions available and fundamentals of how the system works, then how to operate the basic functions, and
nally how to get into the ne adjustments.
The TR-1 is a heading hold autopilot. It steers to maintain a constant magnetic heading. The autopilot
measures magnetic heading with a uxgate compass and receives rate of turn information from an angular rate
sensor (gyroscope). The autopilot computer forms a rudder rate command from a combination of the compass,
gyro, and engine tachometer signals. This rudder rate command is calculated and sent to the pump controller in
the electrohydraulic unit electronics 20 times each second. The pump controller servos the pumping speed and
direction to match the rudder rate command from the autopilot.
Beyond the basic heading hold function, the autopilot provides for several other modes of automatic and
manually controlled steering functions. These are listed below.
1. Rudder. Rudder steering is used for electrically steering without feedback from the gyro or compass. The
rudder moves while a turn button is held down, and stays in place when the button is let up. (Steering the boat
with the handheld without heading hold.)
2. Rudder command / Attitude hold (RCAH). (Steering the boat with the Handheld while in Autopilot)
RCAH is the primary means for changing the boats’ heading with the remote.
3. Man Overboard. See page10. The autopilot will execute a turn to the reciprocal course and pass near the
maneuver initiation point.
4. Zigzags. See page 11. The autopilot will steer a zigzag course with preset amplitude and period. Factory
Default is set an amplitude (turn) of 30 degrees, and the period (length) set at 1.5 minutes.
5. Step turns. See page 12. The autopilot will execute predetermined xed angle turns in this mode. (Factory
Default is 15 degree turns)
6. Circles. See page 13. The autopilot will turn in continuous circles of preset lap time. (Factory Default is set
at a 5 minute circle.)
7. U-Turns. See page 14. The autopilot will execute a U-Turn by using the right or left chevron buttons on the
Introduction to Operation and Adjustments
System Functions and Features