38 Chapter2
Getting Started
Basic Skills
When requesting a file to be printed, create a print file. A print file is a
copy of the file that the system creates and sends to the printer. The
files are printed from the File Management screen.
1. Select the file ETLEARN from the File Management screen.
2. Press
F2 A to open the Actions menu.
3. Press
P fro Print.
4. Type 3 in the No. of copies field.
5. Press
F5 OK.
This requests three copies of the file ETLEARN to be printed.
Copying a File
Files can be copied from the same group or another group in your logon
account. With this task, you are going to make a copy of the file
ETLEARN and keep it in your logon group.
1. Select the file ETLEARN from the File Management screen.
2. Press F2 A to open the Actions menu.
3. Press
C for Copy.
A dialog box prompts you to type a file name and group.
4. Type a new name for the file ETLEARN.
A file name can be a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters and
must begin with a letter.
Keep the file in your logon group, so leave the group field as it is.
5. Press
F5 OK to copy the file.
Deleting a File
You can delete your own files from the system. It is important to
remember that when you delete a file, you cannot get it back.
1. Select the file ETLEARN from the File Management screen.
2. Press F2 A to open the Actions menu.
3. Press
D for Delete.
Whenever you delete a file, HP Easytime/XL prompts you to confirm
the action.
4. Press
F5 Yes to confirm that you want to delete this file.