92 Chapter4
HP Easytime/XL Reference
Select F3 In a list of values, Select selects the
value of which the cursor rests.
In a dialog box, Select selects the push
button on which the cursor rests.
In a menu, Select selects the menu
item on which the cursor rests.
In a list box, Select and then / key
selects all items in the list.
Select and then \ key cancels the
selection of all items in the list.
Stop F7 In a dialog box, Stop stops a task in
progress, for example, a backup.
Test F6 In a dialog box (when aligning forms),
Test prints a test line.
To/From Menu Bar F4 In HP Easytime/XL, To/From Menu
Bar moves the cursor to or from the
menu bar.
Update Display
F5 In HP Easytime/XL, Update Display
updates the terminal display with the
most current data. The time of the last
update is always displayed on the
status line of the screen.
F5 In a confirmation box, Yes confirms and
completes a task, and closes the box.