700C Destination Xchg was Null • Press the Enter button to reboot.
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
700D Sending of a cmd failed • Press the Enter button to reboot.
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
700E Deactivating a drive that is not attached
(The control task indicates that a request
to deactivate a drive failed because the
drive is not attached.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
• Reseat the drive.
• Check cabling.
700F Deactivation of a drive failed
(The control task indicates that a request
to deactivate a drive failed. Reason
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window
• Reseat the drive.
• Check cabling.
7010 Drive removal failed
(The drive task indicates that a request to
power-down a drive failed. Reason
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
7012 Drive is Active failed
(The drive task indicates that a request to
determine if a drive is executing a host
command failed. Reason unknown.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
Table 10 Fault Symptom Codes (continued)
FSC Message ERP