701B Invalid L-drive number to convert
(Attempted to send a command to a
drive, but the logical drive number is out
of range.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
701C Invalid P-drive number to convert
(Attempted to send a command to a
drive, but the physical drive number is out
of range.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
701D Invalid mod number to convert
(Attempted to send a command to a drive
in a remote module, but the module
number is out of range.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
701E Unknown drive type
(Attempted to show detailed drive status
of a drive whose type is unknown.)
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
701F The SCSI response was not expected
(The command response from the SCSI
task in a remote module was
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
7020 The Flash response was not expected
(The command response from the Flash
task in a remote module was
• Press the Enter button clear the
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
Table 10 Fault Symptom Codes (continued)
FSC Message ERP