
Table 12 Library Diagnostic Tests
Test Description
Cartridge Cycle Cycles cartridges continuously and
randomly in bins and mail slots,
displaying a count of the type of cycle
on the control panel. Press the Start
button to begin the test and the Stop
button end to end the test.
Drive Cycle Cycles cartridges continuously and
randomly in bins, mail slots, and
drives, displaying a count of the type of
cycle on the control panel. Press the
Start button to begin the test and the
Stop button end to end the test.
Barcode Cycle Scans all bar codes continuously,
listing those read and the number of
times a full library scan has been done.
Press the Start button to begin the test
and the Stop button end to end the
Inventory Physically scans the entire library to
determine which slots and drives
contain tapes and reads all barcode
Sensor Test Tests all the hall effect sensors and lists
their status.
Vertical Calibration
(available in four-drive models only)
Calibrates the vertical lifters to correct
limits. This test is typically used when
vertical lifters are replaced.
View Error Log Allows access to the error log to view
posted errors.
Touch Screen Calibrate Allows resetting of calibration values
when the screen brightness is not
Tachometer Diagnostic This is a factory only diagnostic used to
measure tachometer motor function
Friction Diagnostic This is a factory only diagnostic used to
measure friction in the motors for
acceptable limits.