Remote Management Interface80
CAUTION: Some options of the Remote Management Interface take the library offline. This inactive
mode can interfere with host-based application software, causing data loss. Ensure that the library
is idle before attempting to perform any remote operations that will take the library offline.
Accessing the Remote Management Interface
To access your library remotely, the library must be in the ready mode to establish communications
with the Remote Management Interface. If you are unable to access the unit with your browser,
verify the library is not being operated locally.
1. Type the IP address in the Location field of your Web browser, and press Enter.
The browser connects to the Remote Management Interface and displays a login prompt.
Figure 65 Remote Management Interface login screen
2. Enter your level 1 or level 2 password in the appropriate field and click Login.
NOTE: The default level 1 password is 1. The default level 2 password is 2. The level 1 password
only allows use of passive features, such as viewing library status.
Use the
diagnostic utility and the serial interface to change the default passwords as
described in ”Changing the Remote Management Interface Passwords” on page 88.