English 87
4 Technical Information
System Specifications
I/O Addresses used by
PC Workstation
0000 - 000F DMA controller 1
0020 - 0021 Master interrupt controller
002E - 002F Configuration registers
0040 - 0043 Timer 1
0060, 0064 Keyboard controller
0061 Port B (speaker, NMI status and control)
0070 Bit 7: NMI mask register
0070 - 0071 RTC and CMOS
0080 Manufacturing port (POST card)
0081 - 0083,
008F DMA low page register
0092 PS/2 reset and Fast A20
0096 - 0097 Little Ben
00A0 - 00A1 Slave interrupt controller
00C0 - 00DF DMA controller 2
00F0 - 00FF Coprocessor error
0130 - 013F AD1816 sound system
0170 - 0177 Free (IDE secondary channel)
01F0 - 01F7 IDE primary channel
0200 AD1816 Joystick
0220 - 0232 AD1816 Sound Blaster
0278 - 027F LPT 2
02E8 - 02EF Serial port 4 (COM4)
02F8 - 02FF Serial port 2 (COM2)
0330 - 0331 AD1816 MIDI
0372 - 0377 Free (Secondary flexible disk drive)
0378 - 037A LPT1
0388 - 038B AD1816 Adlib (FM)
03B0 - 03DF VGA
03E8 - 03EF COM3
03F0 - 03F5 Flexible disk drive controller
03F6 IDE primary channel
03F7 Flexible disk drive controller
03F8 - 03FF COM1
04D0 - 04D1 Interrupt edge/level control
0678 - 067B LPT2 ECP
0778 - 077B LPT1 ECP
0CF8 - 0CFF PCI configuration space
8000 PIIX4 Power Management I/O space
8400 NS317 ACPI Registers
8800 PIIX4 SMBus I/O space
crystal.bk : cryst-4.fb4 Page 87 Monday, March 23, 1998 4:09 AM