English - 75
9 Troubleshooting
In this chapter, a number of messages are listed which may be shown in the display if there is a malfunction. There is
a proposal as to the cause and steps to take for each message.
This chapter also presents some symptoms that can guide you if the robotic lawnmower does not work as expected.
More suggestions for steps to take in the event of malfunction or symptoms can be found on www.automower.com.
9.1 Fault messages
A number of fault messages are listed below that can be shown on the display on the robotic lawnmower. If the same
message appears often: contact your dealer.
Message Cause Action
Wheel motor blocked,
Grass or other object has wrapped
around the drive wheel.
Check the drive wheel and remove the grass
or other object.
Wheel motor blocked,
Grass or other object has wrapped
around the drive wheel.
Check the drive wheel and remove the grass
or other object.
Cutting motor blocked Grass or other object has wrapped
around the blade disc.
Check the blade disc and remove the grass
or other object.
The blade disc lies in a pool of water. Move the robotic lawnmower and if possible
prevent the collection of water in the working
Cutting height blocked Grass or other object has wrapped
around the cutting height adjustment
or between the blade disc and
Check the blade disc and the bellows around
the cutting height adjustment and remove
any grass or other objects that may have got