Table 1. Optional Features
Feature Comments
500-sheet side input tray Adjustable to A4 and letter-size
paper only. Requires the side
input tray base.
500-sheet paper cassette Adjustable to A4 and letter-size
paper only
250-sheet adjustable paper cassettes
Side input tray base
1500-sheet side output stacker
Additional memory Up to two 16 MB increments
Relocation kit Required for relocating the
DBCS resident fonts IPDS only
Envelope Feeder Requires the side input tray
Host Environments
For a summary of host environments and support, see Appendix B, “Software and
Hardware Requirements” on page 59. For a summary of PSF support and host
software requirements, refer to
Advanced Function Presentation: Printer
, G544-3290.
IPDS Application Environment
The 3130 supports IBM Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) software, a
collection of licensed programs that let application developers take advantage of
many special kinds of printing, including bar code and optical character recognition
(OCR) output. Three OCR fonts are available from IBM: OCR-A, OCR-B, and OCR
128. Many kinds of bar codes can be obtained. See “240-Pel to 300-Pel Migration
Considerations (IPDS-Only)” on page 15 for additional bar code considerations.
Advanced Function Presentation uses the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) to
drive the printer. Refer to the
Guide to Advanced Function Presentation
G544-3876, for more information. The 3130 also supports PostScript and PCL-5e
data streams. See Appendix B, “Software and Hardware Requirements” on
page 59 for additional information about these date streams.
4 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Introduction and Planning Guide