Table 42 lists several of the supported PCL-5e and PostScript systems and
IBM PS/2 and PC:
The following workstation software supports the 3130 with
PCL-5e and PostScript L2 data streams through print drivers shipped with the
OS/2 2.11 Service Pack and later (32 bit support only), including the OS/2 LAN
Note: Before using IBM printer drivers on OS/2 2.11, obtain and install
FixPac, XR_B103 on your workstation. To obtain FixPac, contact IBM OS/2
Support at 1-407-994-5544.
Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Windows 95
RISC System/6000:
AIX supports the 3130 through a “colon” file driver diskette
shipped with the printer. AIX Version 3.2.5 and Version 4.1 are supported.
Table 41. PCL-5e and PostScript Drivers
Driver Description File Name Diskette Format
Windows PCL 3130WIN.PCL DOS
Windows PostScript 3130WIN.PS DOS
OS/2 PostScript 3130OS2.PS DOS
AIX PCL-5e 3130.pcl DOS
AIX PostScript 3130.ps DOS
Table 42. PCL-5e and PostScript Attachment Support
System Driver PC Parallel TCP/IP (*) NetWare (*)
DOS Windows 3.1 + Yes Yes Yes
OS/2 OS/2 2.11 + Yes Yes Yes
RISC/6000 colon file Yes Yes Yes
Note: (*) Supports both Token-Ring and Ethernet
OS/400 Host Print Transforms
If you need to transform AFP into PCL-5e, OS/400 requires customization objects.
See “Host Print Transforms for OS/400” on page 64 for more information about
these objects.
PSF Support Notes
Basic N_Up and Enhanced N_Up Printing:
Basic N_UP
Enables printing output that places one, two, three, or four pages in sequence
in equal-sized partitions on each side of a sheet. Two 8.5 x 11 inch application
pages can print two-up on a single 11 x 17 inch sheet. For duplex operations,
each side of the form or sheet can have up to four pages.
62 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Introduction and Planning Guide