
Sleep time The length of time in minutes the printer waits before it goes
sleep mode
. Specify a value from 0 to 999. 0 means
the printer will never go to sleep.
Beeper A beeper sounds when the 3130 detects an error or when
keys are pressed during menu mode.
You can set the
beeper to:
Beep until any operator panel key is selected
Beep for three minutes and then stop
Never beep at all.
You can set the
beeper to on or off.
Language The language used to display operator console text for
general users and key operators. Text for customer
engineers is in English only.
Print Density An indication of the darkness of the print. Settings are
LIGHT, MEDIUM, or DARK. MEDIUM is the default value,
although some applications may run better with Optical
Density set to DARK.
Other Configuration Considerations
IBM InfoPrint 60; 3130, 3160, and 3935 Advanced Function Printer: Attachment
Configuration Handbook
contains the configuration worksheets for the items that
follow. Items are included here as a reminder.
Font Management
The printer control unit allows you to add fonts, delete fonts, list the printer resident
fonts, and list fonts on the diskette.
A detailed description of managing fonts and how to do it is in
IBM 3130 Advanced
Function Printer System Administration Guide
Data Stream Configurations
The 3130 can process IPDS, PostScript, and PCL data streams simultaneously. To
ensure that the printer handles your jobs properly, complete the appropriate
worksheets in
IBM InfoPrint 60; 3130, 3160, and 3935 Advanced Function Printer:
Attachment Configuration Handbook
. The
IPDS Handbook for Printers That Use
the Advanced Function Common Control Unit
contains information about IPDS.
System Attachments
Appendix B, “Software and Hardware Requirements” on page 59 summarizes the
host environments that support the 3130 and the attachments than run under each.
26 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Introduction and Planning Guide