
Other Font Considerations
IPDS, PostScript and PCL5e fonts are listed in Appendix A, “3130 Font Set” on
page 37 and are resident in the 3130.
Your job can download fonts not listed if you have them on your host system and
your job requires them. Usually, the printer stores them in RAM and deletes them
whenever the 3130 is powered off. However, the printer can store downloaded
IPDS fonts on the hard disk.
A facility in the printer allows you to add fonts from a diskette to the hard drive and
avoid losing them at power off. It also allows you to delete fonts from the hard
drive. The fonts are:
For PostScript: Type 1 fonts
For IPDS: AFP outline fonts containing either Type 1 or Character
Identifier (CID)-keyed technology
For PCL: TrueType or Intellifont fonts
18 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Introduction and Planning Guide